Monthly Subscriptions
A monthly subscription model, is proposed as an economic basis to ensure a minimum monthly revenue stream that also provides users with exclusive functionalities.
The exclusive functionalities offered by the subscription pass are:
Possibility of making Scholarships -> Get more info on Scholarships.
Guilds creation -> Get more info on Guilds.
Early Bids on Marketplace (Only to those NFTs that their sellers mark as available for pre-sale).
Exclusive content such as: characters, events and other surprises.
Membership levels
The Subscription are divided into different membership levels with different prices. Depending on the needs, different plans have been designed with the possibility to expand the capacity of the number of scholarship holders and clan members.
A starting price of between $25 and $100 is currently being considered.
The monthly subscription plan containing the extra scholarship functionality will start from 5 scholarship holders and 10 clan members.
Last updated